FuelTech CEO, Louise Andreasen, joins growth team to accelerate the green transition in the maritime industry

Geopolitical tensions and increased protectionism have created new challenges for ‘Blue Denmark’. At the same time, countries like China and the USA are investing massively in the green transition, thereby threatening the competitiveness of European companies. To ensure that Denmark remains a leader in green solutions, the government has established a new growth team to keep Denmark at the forefront as a globally leading maritime nation.

Eltronic FuelTech’s CEO, Louise Andreasen, has been appointed to participate in this growth team along with other key stakeholders from the maritime industry.

The growth team’s task is to maintain Denmark’s leading position in shipping

The growth team will provide recommendations on how ‘Blue Denmark’ can maintain its leading position in shipping and seize the many growth opportunities offered by the green transition of maritime transport. The goal is to create the best conditions for Danish maritime companies so that Denmark can continue to have green wind in its sails.

Regarding her participation in the growth team, Louise Andreasen says: “I am both proud and pleased to contribute with knowledge and many years of experience from the industry. Danish and global shipping is facing a comprehensive green transition, and it is important that we, through a joint effort, create the best conditions and terms for our companies. I look forward to collaborating with the other key figures in the maritime industry, where we will jointly develop concrete recommendations to benefit ‘Blue Denmark’.”

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the growth team met for the first time in Copenhagen. In the coming period, the group will work intensively to provide recommendations on how Denmark can seize the many growth opportunities brought by the green transition of maritime transport.

/Photos from the meeting at the Ministry of Business